386DT US3 Von Duprin Exit Device TrimSince pioneering the first exit device in 1908, Von Duprin life safety products have provided unparalleled quality, performance and flexibility for schools,...
386DT 643E Von Duprin Exit Device TrimSince pioneering the first exit device in 1908, Von Duprin life safety products have provided unparalleled quality, performance and flexibility for schools,...
360T US4 Von Duprin Exit Device TrimSince pioneering the first exit device in 1908, Von Duprin life safety products have provided unparalleled quality, performance and flexibility for schools,...
Required for 88 rim/8827 vertical rod device combinations on pairs of doors with ANSI 161 cutout. (The 88 rim device backset is increased and exposes the 161 cutout when used with 8827).